Tuesday, July 26, 2011

OS X Lion User's profile Library folder is missing

In OS X Lion, the user's profile Library folder is hidden. There are several ways to unhide it.  The easiest and safest way is by using the free Onyx utility application. Another method is via the command line or simply navigating to the directory.

Via the Terminal
Launch the terminal and enter the following command line.
sudo chflags nohidden ~/Library

With the Free Onyx utility (There are other utility programs that do the same thing).

1. Download the free Onyx utility program from http://www.titanium.free.fr/download.php

2. Click on the Parameters icon, sub-menu  -> Finder -> and check mark the option Show hidden files and folders

3. Now, the Library folder should be listed in the user's profile.

Go directly to the folder.

You could always go to the folder even if it is hidden.  From the Finder menu -> Go -> Go to Folder...

Enter the location as follows, replace _user_ with your own


Sunday, July 24, 2011

OS X Lion compatible free programs

The following free or open source programs work with OS X Lion without any issues.  These  applications are free of any advertisement and I personally installed them in my own computer. Enjoy them.

1. VirtualBox.org - VirtualBox-4.1.0-73009-OSX - Virtual OS installations (e.g. Install windows, linux, etc.,)

2. Google Picasa - picasamac38 - Photo editor and manager

3. GIMP-2.6.11 - X11 is already built in OS X Lion which is a requirement for this photo editor

4. Cyberduck 4.1 (8911)-  FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Rackspace Cloud Files, Google Docs, Windows Azure & Amazon S3 browser for Mac and Windows

5. Carbon Copy Cloner - 3.4.1 - Bootable Backup and a lot more.

6. Sketch Book Express - An advance drawing application

7. Firefox.com - A very fast web browser with so many addons.

8. Thunderbird - Fast and easy e-mail client

9. JAVA - Update from /Applications/Utilities/Java Preferences

10.  TextWrangler - A fast and easy HTML and text editor for the Macintosh.

11.  Adobe Air - Rich internet application that integrates

12. http://www.picnik.com/ -  This leading online photo editor works great with the latest version of Safari in OS X Lion.

13. Stuffit Expander - Opens files created with WinZip®, 7zX, iShrink, SimplyRAR, Rarify, Rucksack (formerly iArchiver), BetterZip, RarMachine, GUI Tar, CleanArchiver, Springy, TarPit, RAR, Ez7z, Keka, and the compression utilities built into recent versions of Windows and Mac OS X

14. VLC - Media player is the Open Source video framework!

15.OSX Onyx (beta) - Allow you to make advance changes to the operating system.

16. iBackup - A simple way to backup and restore user profile under OSX.

17. The Unarchiver for Mac - Supports more format like ZIP, TAR, GZIP, 7-zip, RAR, LhA, Stuffit and more

18. Miro Video Converter - Free video converter. Convert to MP4, WebM (vp8), iPhone, Android, iPod, iPad, iPhone and more.

19. ?

Do you have a favorite one? Let me know.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

OS X Lion File Sharing, Web Sharing and Remote Login

OS X Lion allows users to securely share all files type, publish web files & more, and remote login via the advanced command terminal (e.g SSH).

We will discuss the newest OSX Lion feature AirDrop in another post.

These options are found in the System Preferences.

File Sharing - Various users will be able to access files
Web Sharing - Enable publishing web pages in the local computer
Remote Login - Allows you to remotely login via SSH terminal

1. From the Finder or main desktop, go to the Apple menu -> System Preferences

2. Click on the Sharing icon
OS X Lion Sharing preference

3. Check mark File Sharing, Web Sharing and Remote Login (SSH)
OS X Lion AFP & SMB file sharing preference

4. MAC users will be accessing the shares via the AFP protocol. For windows users, enable the option "Share files and folders using SMB (Windows)

NOTE: Make sure you create exceptions in you firewall.

Port: TCP 548  (AppleShare, Personal File Sharing, Apple File Service)
Port: UDP 137 (Windows Internet Naming Service)
Port: UDP 138 (Windows Datagram Service, Windows Network Neighborhood)
Port: TCP 139 ( Server Message Block (SMB))

For all tcp/ip network ports used by Apple, please visit http://support.apple.com/kb/ts1629
OS X Lion SMB File Sharing access

To access files from another MAC, go to the finder, click on the Go menu, select Connect to Server or shortcut
OS X Lion Connect to server shortcut

Enter the IP address or local hostname of another MAC computer in your local area network.
OS X Lion AFP Connect to server

If connecting to a PC from you MAC, enter the IP address or local hostname, and the shared folder. Enter this information as follows:


In this case, the "share_folder" is the share name created in the windows computer.

OS X Lion SMB connect to server

5. To enable the web server, check mark the option "Web Sharing".  Your web HTML files will need to reside in the folders indicated when you press in the buttons "Open Personal.." and "Open Computer...".

Personal Website Folder = /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/Sites/
Computer Website Folder = /Library/WebServer/Documents/

In another post, I will show you how to enable the PHP engine so you can learn how to make dynamic websites.  I will also cover how you can change the locations of these web folders.

6. To enable remote login via the SSH terminal, mark the option "Remote Login"
Note: Make sure you only allow Administrators or specific users.

OS X Lion remote login via SSH terminal

OS X Lion Apple Mail configuration with MS Exchange Server

This guides assumes that you have access to a Microsoft Exchange Server.

1. Click OS X Dock -> Mail icon

2.  In the next window, enter your full name, exchange e-mail address and password.  Hold the ALT-OPTION key and click on the Continue button.

3. Select Exchange for the Account type.

Incoming Mail Server: exchange.server
User Name: exchange_user_name
Password: exchange_password

4. Click on the Continue button
5. On the Account Summary window, click on Create
6. Wait few minutes for all your e-mail to synchronize.